Fundatie pentru protectia

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Fundatia pentru protectia animalelor "COLT ALB" a fost creata in anul 1992, gratie initiativei si eforturilor regretatei Dr. Vet. Ruxandra Nicolescu, persoana de o inalta tinuta profesionala si morala care a militat de-a lungul intregii vieti pentru protectia animalelor si educarea populatiei in spiritul dragostei fata de acestea.

Boomer adopted in Germany

On August 12, 2014 by admin

Poor dog……owner died, the house sold and he was left on the street

Now, adopted in Germany!


Before and after

10410555_823050804373402_2764870439960694428_n 10484453_823050847706731_1785875831564244404_n

10384591_10202473296138603_7327026706927474089_n 10532953_10202473295818595_4426671675881650212_n 10592705_10202473295778594_418511560357950483_n

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