Fundatie pentru protectia

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Fundatia pentru protectia animalelor "COLT ALB" a fost creata in anul 1992, gratie initiativei si eforturilor regretatei Dr. Vet. Ruxandra Nicolescu, persoana de o inalta tinuta profesionala si morala care a militat de-a lungul intregii vieti pentru protectia animalelor si educarea populatiei in spiritul dragostei fata de acestea.

Ranger is finally adopted!!!! He will soon travel to his home in Germany.

On December 19, 2016 by admin



Once, I was the master of the forest, I ran free, I struggled for existence in hot summers and cold winters, I loved people I met and the most I loved you, Sandy.. . unfortunately. Who were you to judge my way of life and put me behaind bars ??? Day by day I’m more sad and lost any hope. Look into my eyes, see my tears……I lost my liberty in exchange of a bowl of food…….12345564_1098562846822195_8534822447159814576_n

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