Fundatie pentru protectia

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Fundatia pentru protectia animalelor "COLT ALB" a fost creata in anul 1992, gratie initiativei si eforturilor regretatei Dr. Vet. Ruxandra Nicolescu, persoana de o inalta tinuta profesionala si morala care a militat de-a lungul intregii vieti pentru protectia animalelor si educarea populatiei in spiritul dragostei fata de acestea.

Adopt Hanna

On March 23, 2022 by adriana zidu
I am Hanna. I am the last one of the 8 gang dogs saved from the edge of the road, 8 years ago. Saved from the hard life on the streets. I am so happy for all my companions that had the chance to find a wonderful home…Issabele, Strolch, Snow, Theo, Sissi, Shila, Bella.
I am old now and still in shelter, but still hoping.
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adopt dog romania

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