Boomer adopted in Germany
Poor dog……owner died, the house sold and he was left on the street Now, adopted in Germany! Before and after
Read More →Fundatia pentru protectia animalelor "COLT ALB" a fost creata in anul 1992, gratie initiativei si eforturilor regretatei Dr. Vet. Ruxandra Nicolescu, persoana de o inalta tinuta profesionala si morala care a militat de-a lungul intregii vieti pentru protectia animalelor si educarea populatiei in spiritul dragostei fata de acestea.
Poor dog……owner died, the house sold and he was left on the street Now, adopted in Germany! Before and after
Read More →Leiko and her brothers and sisters are now 1 year old. Give them a chance !
Read More →Other dogs abandoned in the woods…now safe and happy ! Thank you all for helping me to give them a chance !
Read More →Juno is a 4 month old doggy, male who was born in the forest with other 6 brothers and sisters, because their mum was abandon there just before she had to gave birth…...
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